2011 Poster Of The Year
Alistair Overeem was given a conditional license to face Brock Lesnar on 12/30 after an issue arose due to the timing of drug testing.
Overeem and Lesnar were both called on 11/17 and told to submit to an out of competition drug test by the end of the business day on 11/18. Brian Stegemen, a rep for Lesnar, said that because of where Lesnar lived in rural Minnesota, there was no place nearby for a test, but did go a hospital, got all his tests done on 11/21 and all his tests came back clean.
Nobody representing Overeem had even contacted the commisison as of 11/21. Overeem's representative was called at 2 p.m. on 11/17 and Overeem took a 6 p.m. flight out of Las Vegas to Holland to be with his mother who is battling cancer. Overeem testified he was unaware of the request to test him when he got on the plane and didn't get the word until several days later.
On 11/21, Keith Kizer of the Nevada commission called the UFC and informed them that he had not even heard from Overeem. Kizer was told Overeem was in Holland and would be tested. He took a blood test, not a urine test, on 11/23. A blood test would test elevated testerone levels but would not necessarily show use of any other anabolic steroid. It should be noted he was told to take a urine test, not a blood test, but he claimed he never was told which specific test to take. His test didn't show an illegal level of testosterone when the commission received the results on 11/30.
He was then told to take the urine test. Overeem did not take the test until 12/7. The results are not back in at this point.
The gist of the ruling is that the test on 12/7 has to come back clean, he has to take another urine test when he arrives in the U.S. for the fight, and the commission will randomly test him at least twice over the next six months.
Anyone who does not find that timeline/course of action suspicious is either lying, or the most naive person ever.
I hope he passes the results of his so-called urine test that he supposedly took, because I want to see this fight. But holy shit is this guy slimy.