Green Lantern (2011)
Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds), a brash, talented test pilot, is chosen by an alien force of warriors to become their representative on Earth and use his new powers as the Green Lantern to promote order and justice before conflict destroys his world. Despite being the first human to wear the ring that bestows his abilities, Hal must combat villain Parallax.
The superhero hype train is at an all-time high right now X-Men First Class rejuvenating a dead franchise and Thor being an unexpected hit, but to say Green Lantern crashes that train and lets it burn would be an understatement. It is terrible in nearly every way imaginable. This would have easily been sitting at the very bottom of my 2011 films list, but some of the scenes were so unintentionally hilarious it gets a mini boost for the laughs.
As far as origin stories go for any superhero, this one does a poor job at a lot of things. The character Hal Jordan when not in costume is a cocky unlikeable cry baby who runs at the first sign of trouble. That is not the type of person you want to be the star of your movie. When he is a Green Lantern, he feels like much of the same except nobody realizes who he is because of his Zorro mask. That is one of the many laughable responses the film has to offer. The transition his character goes through to become this leader who can overcome fear feels forced. Most of the film he’s afraid and literally when the film needs him to become strong, he suddenly has a revelation on who he needs to be. It just never felt natural to me.
Maybe the transition would’ve gone smoother if they didn’t handle the villain(s) so poorly. The big bad Parallax looks like a giant piece of poop that wants to suck the very life out of earth so he can overtake the Lanterns. The problem with him is they briefly show him. He’s talked about in the background but never focused on until the very end. Instead all of the attention is shifted onto Dr. Hector Hammond. Now I don’t know what the hell they were thinking but his big headed appearance doesn’t translate well to the big screen. Every moment he was on the screen, I couldn’t help but crack up laughing. It didn’t help that when the character was trying to be serious, his big ole head combined with awkward movements and a high voice got in the way. He may have been the films downfall, but he also was also its biggest star. Quite a feat I must say. The film spent too much time trying to develop this character and connect him with the film’s other characters, but he simply was not an intriguing character that you wanted to know. I would have much rather they focus the screen on Hal Jordan since this is his origin story and everything.
Now the CGI in the film was one if its biggest risks. Most superhero films today attempt to set it up without our reality, but they couldn’t do that with Green Lantern. He travels the vastness of space, interacts with aliens, and has powers from a ring that allows him to create anything his mind allows him. When the film shows these parts on screen, they are its shining moments. The world of Oa looks great, the action scenes flow good, and even the suit never is the bother it looked to be in the trailers. The problem is that there simply isn’t enough of this. Most of the film takes place on Earth and they were not creative enough to incorporate it into those spots. You have to wonder how the hell they needed a $300 million dollar budget for this film.
Green lantern fails at most of the things it tries to accomplish but that may have been because it was trying to introduce us to a character we’ve never seen on screen before. With a little more effort, they could run off with something special in a sequel. But as a film trying to become a franchise starter, it simply wasn’t good. Even comic books fans might have a hard time taking a liking to this interpretation. Watch this if you must, but if given the choice, give this a pass. I’ll leave you with this:
In brightest day, In blackest night;
No evil shall escape my sight.
let those who worships evils might,
Beware my power;
Green Lanterns Light.
Overall Score: 3/10