A couple of other things now that I've cleared the cobwebs (flying to and from Vancouver in one day is crazy)...
- They estimated that there are now 65-70 percent real faces in the game. In particular, because of the new focus on physical play, they've added a lot of tough guys and defensive defensemen this year.
- This is no surprise but a lot of the equipment has been updated. When I played as the Habs, Carey Price had his correct pads and was using a "Warrior" goalie stick.
- The 100th Anniversary Montreal Canadiens "Dream Team" returns again this edition.
- In "Be A GM" mode you have the option of GMing a "fantasy draft" team.
- When you flip a puck in the zone, or it gets deflected and flips up in the air, players will take their hand of their stick, reach up and grab the puck then drop it on the ice for them to play it.
- The "Pink and White" ladies version of the team sweaters can now be found in the crowd.
- "Puck heads" are now in the crowd as well.
- The play by play voice still calles Matt Stajan "Matt Stay-on." (And Stajan has complained about this directly to EA) and Dennis Wideman is still called "Wid-a-min."
- The benches are still too small, meaning they don't fit the entire team on the bench and are shrunk down.
- For PS3 owners, you can now customize the music in the game, meaning, if the Vancouver Canucks take to the ice to U2, you can set them to do so in the game. You can also customize goal songs per team (but not per player.)
- Speaking of PS3, watching the game run side by side on identical television sets, it looks cleaner and purer and more fluid on the PS3, but a slight margin. It just looks better on PS3.