According to this credit card numbers were encrypted. This rest of our info? Not so much. encrypted. The rest of our info? Not so much.
There were so many figures released, let's be honest. You have as much a chance of being defrauded as I do of sleeping with Britney Spears in her prime.
And our credit cards have fraud protection.
God forbid anyone steal my PS3 trophies, but honestly, this is getting a bit overblown.
The second I see a suspicious charge on my VISA, I call my bank and they take care of it. Same thing happened when I was a victim of a break and enter, stupid fag took my VISA and decided to go on a spending spree. Bank called me that night and said suspicious shit was going on with my card. A week later I get an affidavit to sign, never lost a dime.
I agree Sony deserves criticism for this, but I'm not losing a minute's sleep over it.
Today a guy I worked with laughed when I said my credit card was online with the PS3. I said "It's fucking Sony, not Earl and John's Chop Shop. Yeah, they got exploited, but it could happen to any major company. How different is registering your credit card with Sony than Amazon?"
He shut up at that point.
Again, I agree it sucks that this happened, but it did and it's over. I (and every one at VSN) will never pay a dime if our credit card numbers are exposed.