You act like the 10's of millions of people who bought a device that uses this service has no right to know why they've lost it for 6 weeks? Why their personal information was stolen? I mean, fuck off you stupid twat.
Then you act like you're some fucking network expert with moronic comments like "it's a long, tedious process full of unexpected twists"....O RLY? What the fuck do you know that gives you ground to make a fucking claim like that?
Fucking everyday morons think they understand network architecture is fucking comedy. Unexpected twists my ass, do you have any idea how much planning is put into place for something as massive as this? They know exactly what the fuck they are doing, what they want to do, when it's going to be done and when they are going to tell the public it's done.
Fucking shut the hell up about things you don't know you dumbass. You're just a stupid fucking student who has zero understanding of the corporate world with no understanding of the topic of what you speak, fuck yourself.
How many fuckin times do I have to call out your idiocy? Can't I just groan you and you'll get the point?