74 . Men in Black III
Will Smith, Josh Brolin, Tommy Lee Jones, Jemaine Clement, Michael Stahlberg, Emma Thompson, Alice Eve, Bill Hader, Mike Colter, Nicole Scherzinger
Director(s) - Barry Sonenfeld
Writer(s) - Etan Cohen
Source Material/Connections - The third film in the
Men in Black series, obviously, which was originally based off of "The Men in Black" comic by Lowell Cunningham
MPAA Rating - PG-13
Release Date - May 25
Runtime - 1 hour, 45 minutes
RT Score - 70%
Metacritic - 58/100
Views - 2
Viewed - torrent, dvd
Quote - "I promised the secrets of the universe, nothing more."
Review -
The first Men in Black is pretty fucking awesome. It's got blockbuster Will Smith in his prime, grumpy Tommy Lee Jones being too old for this shit and Vincent D'Onforio being an alien who wants more sugar and whose face doesn't fit on his alien body. It's funny, heartfelt, fun and cool. The 2nd one sucks and is none of those things. This one is a mix of the two, with Josh Brolin being the true hero of it all and a sweet end battle that reminded me of the first one. What sucks is how they try to tie everything up in the trilogy with a nice little bow, barely making most of the first movie make sense. Really poorly done, but it was all for an emotional reaction from the audience. Definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. Without any reason to make a 4th, please don't.
The Good -
Like I said, this movie is completely saved once Josh Brolin comes on screen. He is EXACTLY Tommy Lee Jones but as a younger version. He nails the role perfectly and transforms the movie from being exactly what the second one was to a fun, engaging movie like it was supposed to be. Josh Brolin and Will Smith have some of the same great chemistry that TLJ and Big Willy Style had in the original.
Will Smith is pretty good at mail-in jobs and it's pretty obvious his heart just isn't in it anymore but he still seems right at home in a black suit. It didn't take away from the movie at all and the removal of Agent Z (Rip Torn) isn't even noticed, since we get Emma Thompson's bitchy, female Agent K-esque "O". She's also mimicked pretty well in the time travel scenes by Alice Eve, who is fiiiiiiiiiiiine, understandable why K would go after that fine ass.
Even though the villain is the worst part of the movie, the whole time travel and all the sci-fi futuristic gizmos are cool and were always done well by this series, except the vehicles, which we will get to later. In addition to this, the last fight scene between Young Boris/Old Boris and Agent J/Agent K is really neat and suspenseful. You know the good guys are gunna win, but up that high, fighting on the Apollo 11 before it takes off was really cool. It wasn't as clever or well done as the invading history of X-Men: First Class last year, but that movie is almost perfect.
I almost forgot to mention their little Andy Warhol (Bill Hader) joke. Very well done and well executed by my mans Bill Hader.
The Bad -
Ugh. Jemaine Clement as "Boris the Animal" who is so fucking ugly and disgusting of an alien you cringe whenever he is on screen. His face is all scarred and beat up, he has little aliens that pop out of his hands and kill people and his tongue is perhaps the most repulsive thing in this series, beyond the regrowing Tony Shaloub head, D'Onofrio's bugs or David Cross's bug goo dripping on TLJ's match from the original. Even though all of this filth and disgust he is touted as so menacing and dangerous, but he's just ugly. Besides that he tries too hard, or the writers at least, try too hard to make him evil. Jemaine Clement is shitty make up is not evil or scary or intimidating. So let's bring on two versions of him for the extra menace. Beat.
So those futuristic cars I was talking about that were awful? I'm sure you've seen them in the trailers. They look like this -
Did somebody not notice they are IDENTICAL to this -
And that's all I'm gunna say about that one.
Ahhhh, now here we are at the horrible, horrible ending that puts the entire trilogy into a forced circle. So the film takes place in the 70's IIRC because Agent J (Will Smith) has followed Boris the Animal (Jemaine Clement), a supervillain, back in time in an effort to save his mentor and partner, Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones). There he runs into the Agent K of the past (Josh Brolin) and together, though reluctantly they band together to stop Boris from following through with his original plans that K foiled in the past. Those plans included something with the Apollo 11 space shuttle in Cape Canaveral, FL. In an effort to get past military security, they somehow convince a black military officer to let them through. They save the day, badda bing badda boom. HOWEVA, the only way to save the day leads the black dude to get killed while his son is not far off. THAT SON WAS WILL SMITH! Sooo yeah, J's dad sacrificed himself in front of his son to save K. Yet there is no mention of his guilt in the first movie while he is recruiting him. Don't add shit like that just to try and create a sympathetic loop that makes no sense. Whatever.
Rating - C