Kuzzy Powers
Beautiful Like Moses
I was saying that he also said no to memphis so surely there is no way that the kid expected to go in the top 3. He ruined his own fincally well-being by turning down two of the top three!
Oh, yeah, agreed completely.
Theres really no defence for this guy. Im not saying the T-Wolves are smart for drafting him, infact, its quite the contrary. And hey, good for him if he decides to go back to Spain and make money. But it doesnt change that hes a spoiled bitch. Hes done everything in his own power to come off as one, including going back on his own word.. a word that might've done good in making him look like exactly the opposite of a spoiled bitch.
If he decides to stay and play in Minnesota, then he will get atleast a portion of my respect.