I gave multiple examples in the original Saints thread. So did senser, iirc. I'll rehash a few here.
-Any time a QB is hit after the ball is released and the defender is aware the ball is gone. Happens multiple times every game, we've all seen it. QB throws the ball, defender KNOWS the ball is gone, but because the defender is within the two steps and knows he won't draw a penalty, he drives into the QB or gives him a hard shove into the ground. Totally legal, yet totally unnecessary and cheap.
You don't see where a $10,000 bounty being on the table could lead to defenders going a little bit further than they might normally go on a hit like this?
Going a bit further from what is allowable in the rules would make it illegal, wouldn't it? Plus, the plays you described get flagged 9.5 times out of 10. Therefore, a poor example of a clean, dirty hit.
-Anything at or below the knee, in the open field where a basic, normal, form tackle would be sufficient. Lunging at the knees is bush, but in many cases, totally legal.
Quarterbacks are protected from these sort of hits which again would subject them to fines that would be way more than any bounty offered in a locker room.
Again, with a bounty on the table, you can't see where a 22 year old retard who would be flipping burgers if not for his football ability, would be tempted to take a shot at the knees, as opposed to keeping it clean?
So you think NFL players need a bounty program to incite them to go after other players? The only thing this changes is the actual cash transaction. Don't be so naive.
I can go on, but you get the point. If you honestly don't see how a bounty changes how the game is played or effects what's happening on the field, this is pointless. It's just stunning to me that functioning adults can't see where any tackle the Saints have made over the last three years must come under question. The bounties didn't exist because nobody was chasing them. And to chase them, you had to be actively trying to hurt people.
It's scary to me that people downplay this or claim it doesnt affect the game. Use your brains, people.
It's a violent game. The defense is always going to set their sights on key members of the offense. If you really buy into the fact that NFL players are not trained to hurt anybody, and just make "good, solid football plays", than I'm not sure what else to say.
Again, I think bounties are stupid. I just don't find it as deplorable as you do.