I gave multiple examples in the original Saints thread. So did senser, iirc. I'll rehash a few here.
-Any time a QB is hit after the ball is released and the defender is aware the ball is gone. Happens multiple times every game, we've all seen it. QB throws the ball, defender KNOWS the ball is gone, but because the defender is within the two steps and knows he won't draw a penalty, he drives into the QB or gives him a hard shove into the ground. Totally legal, yet totally unnecessary and cheap.
The definition of "dirty" is being used really loosely here to include unnecessary and cheap.
Can't say that I agree...the defender laying it in to the QB is apart of the strategy of the game. Get into his head. Knock him around a little bit. Make him uneasy to step up into the pocket or hold on to the ball too long. There isn't an intention to injure or deliver a "cheap shot" its to get into the QBs head and they aren't meaning harm to ill will, but it is apart of the game. Same with looking to separate a player from the football over the middle...not only does it break up a play, but it sends a message to the wide out to NOT come over the middle like that again. It is apart of the psychology of the game.
You don't see where a $10,000 bounty being on the table could lead to defenders going a little bit further than they might normally go on a hit like this?
The 10K bounty was done with the intent to maim a player. I see the point you are trying to make, however, you need to separate real intent, and being a little rough with quarterbacks or other offensive players isn't the same as attempting to maim.
-Anything at or below the knee, in the open field where a basic, normal, form tackle would be sufficient. Lunging at the knees is bush, but in many cases, totally legal.
Again, with a bounty on the table, you can't see where a 22 year old retard who would be flipping burgers if not for his football ability, would be tempted to take a shot at the knees, as opposed to keeping it clean?
It happens with or without a 10K bounty on someone's head.
With the extended rules allowing for wide open offenses, defenses are combating it by doing X, Y, and Z. The game has always had the players one step ahead of rules...Deacon Jones head slap, corners abusing wide outs in the 80's, the wild shenanigans that go on at the bottom of a pile during a fumble, guys fucking with each other like untying their shoes or laying on top of them.
However, its about intent. Some of the Saints players obviously came at other players with bad intentions and not just within the spirit of the game, but with intent to maim and take a man's livelihood away from them. However, separating A from B isn't a call you can make by watching game film.