Freeman Error
I understand that a lot of times there was nobody to throw to, but I refuse to believe that Cutler had nobody to throw to all night and that is why he took so many sacks.
There were windows and opportunities to throw the ball but they are only open for a split second. Cutler has to identify them and get rid of the ball when he has the chance to, if he misses that window of opportunity, he needs to figure out his next move - roll out and throw it away or throw it at the feet of one of his receivers.
There are plenty of ways to avoid sacks. Sitting there and looking downfield while big pissed off gorillas like Justin Tuck and Osi Umenyiora are hunting your fucking ass down is not one of them.
I don't buy that Cutler had nobody to throw to all night. Obviously, I can't prove it, because I don't have the game film and the camera angles that we get don't show the receivers and coverages, they typically just show LBs/DL/OL/QB, which is unfortunate.
And I'm not saying it is all Cutler's fault. Plenty of fault needs to be put on the receivers, the OL, and the backs. But Cutler has to improve in that area, there are no excuses for it and no other ways around it. He is taking way too long to make a decision.
This is kind of where I'm talking about him being damned if he does and damned if he does.
He makes throws into coverage and they are picked: People say he should have held the ball and taken the sack/chucked it away.
He holds the ball and gets sacked/throws the ball away: People say he's holding the ball too long and should have gotten rid of it to an "open WR" that they can't really say even for sure existed on the play.
I agree we didn't/don't have great camera angles for it but NBC showed a lot of angles on a lot of the sacks and Bears WR's were blanketed all over the place. Yeah he missed two checkdowns but I don't think that makes up for the other 8+ hits, sacks, etc he took where he was screwed from the get go or had no one to throw too. Hell, two of the sacks were from jay avoiding pressure and running out of bounds behind the LOS.