The stories are dated, too.
The whole "Badass v. The Boss" is a pretty dated concept...they are even running some anti-establishment angles now, and they still feel kind of dated, but the Austin v. McMahon story was insanely dated and there isn't matches that stand the test of time. Austin had some good matches at this time, but they were all brawls and those got old quick. Even today, these angles have been done TO DEATH, so not only do they feel dated, but they are re-hashed and boring.
You don't see these angles being run constantly in Japan. They've evolved a bit. The WWE and even TNA just run these anti-establishment angles over and over and over. New GM, new face or heel...over and over and over.
As for anything other than the main event scene on crap. As in, unwatchable. I'm not even talking PPV, which was crap, but fuck, undercard of RAW was so fucking bad.
Tons of gimmick matches weekly to cover up the lack of roster depth and keep bad programs going.
WCW main event scene was pretty awful, More unwatchable than WWF but their undercard was pretty great.
Jericho, Mysterio, Benoit, Malenko, Juvy and some other Luchas (Super Calo, Lizmark Jr., La Parka, Silver King, Psicosis, etc), Kidman, Eddie. And they always put them on during notorious down quarter hours so they were given time to have fun matches when no one was paying attention.
In the upper mid card area, DDP could work a little bit and got some good matches under his belt in 98/99. Randy fell off the damn map by mid 98 (he was already a shell of his former self)...but he had his last good run with DDP in late 97.