TNA was drawing the same (and even slightly higher ratings) with a fraction of the payroll many years ago.
The only "big names" that have come in and made a difference for business, were Sting (record ratings early on) and Kurt Angle (biggest PPV buyrates ever vs. Samoa Joe...remember when that guy mattered?!).
Hulk Hogan popped one (maybe two, I dont remember) decent rating on his first Impact, but he doesnt really count because business actually ended up worse a few weeks later than before he came in.
Booker T & Team 3D caused some buzz and made minor differences if I recall, but nothing that lasted long term or ultimately mattered.
RVD has meant nothing. Christian left a bigger star than when he came (they did get him over), but meant nothing for business. Nash, Hall, Rikishi (L-O-L), even Flair, none of them have meant anything (think about that for a minute, RIC FLAIR).
Not that AJ Styles or Daniels or James Storm or Jeff Jarrett or whoever were doing any sort of business either, but it was a fraction of the cost before, and I bet with a roster not full of WCW ego, you could more easily get poeple like Heyman or Cornette excited about the product, and give it a real go.