Kendricks/Williams was OK. Kendrick was clearly injured, so they cut it short.
Great heel promo by Bubba Ray. He went at Hemme pretty hard.
LOL @ Bubba locking D-Von in the locker room. D-Von finally comes out. Did not see that double swerve coming at all. Decent match.
Madison Rayne...nom nom nom. Looking mad scrumptious right now in the flesh colored outfit.
LOLWUT. What a shitty ending to the KO match. A motorcycle chick (who I'm guessing is Tara) comes in and hurts Love. The ref gives the belt to her on the assumption it's a person from TBP instead of fucking checking. And then Rayne rides off on the motorcycle of the masked lady (that cost her the KO title, mind you) oh so nonchalantly *Cornette Face*
LOL. So Styles/Kaz face Rob Terry and Samoa Joe. What an atypical pairing.
Kaz is overselling Terry ala Hogan/Michaels.
They are booing the shit out of Rob Terry and I would, too. Despite Terry's involvement it was a really good match.
Kaz/AJ make a really good tag team. They're fucking hilarious.
Desmond Wolfe got buried once again. :smh:
Taz is ABYSMAL as a commentator.
Oh god. Way to make the winner so fucking obvious. Morgan has Hernandez dead to rights and been foreshadowing and drawing out his exit so often - going so far as to literally take a step out of the cage door, only to reconsider and continue assaulting SuperMex.
Hernandez dives off the top of the cages and fails....then gets handcuffed, turns into Superman and breaks the cuffs and then dashes through the fucking cage door for the win. A crappy ending to a crappy match. Fuck this company.
Woot! Flair/Lethal. Wow, considering how old Flair is, he performed really well and it was actually a good match - and a clean win to boot.
MCMG vs. Beer Money was amazing. EASILY the best match of the night.
Angle/Pope was predictable, but a good one nonetheless.
RVD just delivered a promo while high. I'm encouraged by this for some reason.
Anderson has the crowd eating out of his hand. He might get the title.
Touting Abyss' weapon is retarded as fuck because it's too dangerous to be used, so the crowd knows that its just for show.
Jeff Hardy is chubby.
Everybody is getting hurt. Anderson's reaching for his hamstring, Hardy and RVD their knees. And then Anderson throws RVD off the top rope and RVD's head bounces off the ramp. He looks really hurt.
What a really shitty end for a FUCKING MAIN EVENT MATCH. I'd expect something like that from Impact or an undercard match, but not the biggest match of the night.
RVD is boring as a champion. Just give it to someone else already - just not that fat fuck Abyss.
All in all, it's a typical TNA card - a few good matches sandwiched between crap.