Anarchy Championship Wrestling
"Keep Austin Weird II"
Austin Emo's Alternative Lounging
Sunday April 26, 2009
Match # 1 - Nathan Sin vs. Exodus (win)
Match # 2 - Young Guns U-30 Title Match
(order eliminated) Brent Masters vs. Davey Vega vs. Darin Childs vs. Champion Gary Jay vs. Arik Cannon vs. Super-Electro (win & new champion)
Match # 3 - American Joshi 3 on 3 Tag Match
Claudia del Solis, Jessica James & Alektra Blue with Team Smurf vs. Diamond Icee, Rachel Summerlyn & Daizee Haze (win)
Match # 4 - Hardcore Title Match Triple Threat
(order eliminated) Problems vs. JC Bravo (win & new champion) vs. Champion Jacob Ladder
Match # 5 - Tag Team 4-Way Dance for the LWA Tag Team Titles
(order eliminated) Spiro & Rory Fox vs. Julio Garza & Junior Garza vs. Team Smurf: Berry Breeze & Chingo Smurf vs. The Submission Squad: Evan Gelistico & Pierre Abernathy (Win & Retain)
Match # 6 - Awesome Andy vs. "One Man" Mike Dell (win)
Match # 7 - Shawn Vexx (win) vs. "Mr. Showtime" Scot Summers
Match # 8 - Main Event - Heavyweight Title Match - Triple Threat
(order eliminated) "Bio-Hazard" Jaykus Plisken vs. Dingo vs. Champion JT LaMotta (win & retain title)