Two reasons.
#1, you know they love to stick it to the "internet" fans, which is really stupid, because Danielson isnt an indy geek anymore, he's one of your 'Superstars', and the goal should be to get him over so he can help you make money.
#2, only the tippy top pushed guys matter in Vince's world. Underneath "champions" are no different than jobbers. The main even guys never , ever show a shred of weakness to anyone other than main event guys, which is why they have trouble getting new people over.
Danielson had so much momentum at various points, but they keep cutting him off. Same old story. He could be a player, but only if they want him to be. You cant naturally move up in the WWE, they have to had pick you. He hasnt been hand picked, so he's not allowed to get over. He's not the first, he wont be the last.