TNA was horrid and more confusing than usual. Aside from a brief glimpse at Mickie James there was NOTHING worth tuning in for. This is the kind of show that loses you PPV buys.
Bischoff somehow is the voice of reason in this retarded conspiracy fued as he ethers D'Angelo Dinero two weeks in a row for being involved in such a stupid feud.
Goddamn did Mickie James look good tonight. :wub:
A damn shame she'll just be used to push the pirate hookers. I would have loved to see her when TNA had Kong, Kim, ODB, Flash and Daffney on regularly.
Flair vs. Foley was just sad. Cameras catching Flair clearly blading less than a few minutes into the match, just two old guys taking retarded bumps on tacks and barb wire. I hope these two never wrestle again.
Abyss almost kills RVD, kidnaps two guys backstage and tortures them with a branding iron, takes Dixie hostage and he's still not fired?? *cornetteface*
This Orlando Jordan + Eric Young tag team is somehow getting worse and even more disturbing. Automatic fast-forward at this point. :smh:
Oh no, Dixie just signs off on a "termination contract" for Abyss without reading it. I bet that will come into the storyline down the line.
Jersey Shore knockoffs debut. Just plain bad. The Impact Zone booed like crazy and you know those idiots will cheer for anything. I don't think it was a "good" heat, more like "get these bums off the stage" heat.
This Battle Royal has been garbage. Beer Money Bromance and seeing Abyss run a train on the entire roster was funny.
Bah, better time could have been on NXT Season 3. It was that bad.