Basically my thought on the Attitude era is this. At the time, I was 11-13ish, so it seemed pretty cool. I had some idea that it was fake, but it was fine, I pretty much said to myself I was watching an over the top sporting event. That era blurred the line a lot to make it easier to watch because yeah you had your wild characters, but in some way you still had some angles/wrestlers that made it seem to have hints of realism (even if I didn't believe it).
Watching it now, it has not aged well at all. I downloaded a bunch of Nitro/Raws from the era, and honestly Nitro has aged far better. There's obviously a ton of really retarded booking, boring shows, etc... but Raw is War just seems...odd, it's hard to explain but it hasn't aged well. Adored it in my youth, but it's very... 90s.
I feel the same way about ECW, say what you want about how great it was, go watch a PPV, go watch an episode of Hardcore TV now. Not saying it's bad, but it's 90s to the extreme. Not that there's anything wrong with it persay, it just doesn't age all that well.
By contrast, I can watch late 80s-early 90 WWF anytime. 2000 WWF is still my favorite wrestling year ever. Most Japan stuff I can still watch and mid-2000s ROH is still easily watchable.