The funny by-product of the WWE having Sheamus squash Danielson is that it makes The Miz look weak. Danielson just beat Miz. Twice. Miz is probably going to be world champion sooner or later, especially with the MITB case. Unless their entire intent was to have Miz look like a weak champion, that was dumb on a lot of levels.
W2BTD, gotta agreee that TNA's lack of any sort of interest in developing truly home-grown talent is head-scratching. Although since Hogan & Bischoff took over, its obvious they have zero desire or ability to create any new stars at all. Or even have original ideas. I'm sure "They" will turn out to be something original, like an NWO reunion and then I can give up on TNA for good. Everyone wins!
Kevin, ROH on HDNet is quality. Some great wrestling. Emphasis on the actual in-ring stuff, with just enough storyline to keep things interesting. Some feuds that feel legit. W2B is right - the old ROH stuff is amazing. If you enjoy what you see now, you definite one to check out some of the older stuff - Punk v Joe, Joe v Kobashi, Joe v Danielson, Danielson v McGuiness, Raven v Punk, Danielson v Homicide... So much greatness...