I'm pissed because having 10 guys surround a ring and mob Cena with fake looking punches and everyone basically falling all over the place and making a mess is actually the most interesting thing that's happened in mainstream wrestling in the last 10 years.
Is there any end in sight? Is there any hope that RoH will grow beyond at least TNA? Is there any chance that Dixie Carter will see the light and realize she can't do what the WWE does on a 10th of the budget and expect to beat them at their own game? Will these attention whore 40-50 year olds ever decide they've had enough limelight and hang up the goddamn boots?
Certainly having 3-minute matches on RAW each week is infuriating, especially when it's guys like Danielson, Morrison, Miz, Kidd, etc. who can work 30 minutes if they were called upon to. 3 minutes does absolutely nothing for anyone except piss off viewers b/c nothing of note can happen in a 3 minute wrestling match.
I will say, we've had plenty of interesting/great things happen in the past 10 years besides Cena getting beaten down by a gang.
The Invasion (at least in the beginning, in theory...was interesting)
The Radicalz showing up on RAW (....and HHH killing them off)
The Benoit/Eddie lead up to the titles in 2004 were great
Brock/Angle was awesome
The Smackdown Six were fucking awesome
Shawn's return and the realization that the man was probably a better all-round wrestler than he was when he left.
Shawn/Taker was balls to the wall AWESOME.
Week 1 of Nexus was unbelievably awesome...then it ended days later.
The return of Hogan to WWE in 2002 was fun......Hogan/Rock was great
Taker's continued evolution was fun
heel John Cena was fun
Batista/HHH in 2005 was great
Ric Flair's retirement from WWE was great
Chris Jericho's transformation from Y2J into heel Jericho was awesome
The first One Night Stand was FUCKING AWESOME (even if Eddie/Benoit was a letdown)
The Jericho/Michaels feud (all incarnations of it) was brilliant
Shelton Benjamin's one shining moment, the RAW match with Michaels was sweet
The development of the Miz has been cool