Just a regular schmoe here...
Currently, the WWE gets $0 from me.
I will pay my $60 upon launch and will probably pay my $60 every 6-months. There is going to be enough of a library and $10 for the monthly PPV + the original content (surely, NXT is getting off of hulu) is a steal, in my opinion.
$10 for a full HD stream of the show (will get sent to my TV anyway)...easy money from me.
I was thinking about this last night. The last time I spent $1 on WWE was Money in the Bank 2011. Before that, it was buying the Bret Hart 3-disc set whatever year that was. So we're talking like roughly $60 in the last decade.
They'll get that every 6 months from me now.
What's weird, is TNA gets more money out of me. I have three old TNA PPV's on my DVR (Destination X '11 & '12, and Hardcore Justice when they did the ECW gimmick). Plus, I bought a ticket to an Impact taping last year.
DGUSA/Evolve used to get my money for every iPPV. Not anymore, although I did buy tomorrow's show to sample the HD feed, and will buy Sat & Sun if all goes well.
ROH gets my money whenever they come to Texas, which has been twice since I moved here.
New Japan gets the most money out of me. I alternate buying the shows with a friend and we share passwords. We buy every one of them and will do so until they cool off. We do this even though we know we can see it for free a few days later, because it's so good that we feel it's worth supporting and they've earned our money. Plus since it's so good we prefer to watch live.
Dragon Gate, same thing. The iPPV's are more infrequent, but are all instant purchases.
NWA has gotten me to buy tickets three or four times in the last year.
Inspire Pro obviously gets my $12 every time out, except when Biss yanks me from the line and won't let me pay.
Wrestle-1 got my money for the one off iPPV, and the show was really good, so they would get more if the ran another one.
Meltzer gets my $10.99 per month or whatever he charges.
So yeah, WWE was easily getting the least of my wrestling budget, but moving forward only New Japan will likely see more of my cash. They need to hook around 800,000 people like me & larry who were previously spending zero.