Imagine the pop if Daniel Bryan had come out at #30 ... hell, Bray Wyatt at 29, then Bryan at 30. They could have salvaged this with Roman Reigns winning legit, but of course they're too stupid and go for the old guy who can't wrestle and will bore the hell out of everyone at WM. And they should have started the show with Cena-Orton ... those two got killed trying to follow up the first two matches. The Big Show-Lesnar dragged on a bit, but was more interesting than Cena-Orton ... and, suffice to say, Wyatt-Bryan killed both, but at least the fans weren't booing during Big Show-Lesnar and seemed legitimately into the event. Cena-Orton. Ugh. Cena can work with the good workers, but Orton ain't one of them.