lots of poor booking, why in the fuck would Nash go after Shield and not go after Punk ... your going to put Great Khali and R-truth out there for meaningless spots but the best suprise you have is Nash?
Lazy booking. They had their eyes set on Batista winning it and really didn't care about anything else.
You had an opportunity for a nice Shield/Wyatts Mexican standoff...and its immediately interrupted by...fuckin Ryback? Crowd was just starting to gasp when it was just those five (Shield/Wyatts) standing...then this fuckin guy comes out. :dead:
Punk was in there for almost an hour, but had little to no shine. I can't remember him doing much.
TONS of nobodys and unnecessary entrants. I don't care how big Khali one buys him at all as anything. JBL in and out was just lazy.
The one stroke of genius was having El Torito enter. He did a good job and got over more in that 3 minutes than he has with months in the company.