Im probably going to rehash what many of you have said already, but here it goes.
The tag title switch, I don't have a problem with the Rhodes brothers losing it, but losing it to the Outlaws smacks of Triple H. If this was 2012 and tag team wrestling was dead, with Kofi and R-Truth as the champions, I could see that happening. Since then, Danielson and Kane, Rollins and Reigns and now Rhodes and Goldust have brought that title, and the tag division, back to respectability. That title should have gone to guys who have worked for it. The Usos would have been my choice, but the Real Americans have put in some work recently as well.
Loved the first match. I didn't think Husky Harris could pull it off but he did. I can't see him replicating that with Cena, but he was put into a spot and delivered.
Lesnar/Show was the perfect set-up for Taker/Lesnar at WM. He's broken the arm of Mark Henry, and beat down Big Show, so now it's up to the "locker room leader" to make his return and have Lesnar pay. Or something like that. I actually enjoyed this, but the chair beatdown bordered excessive.
Orton/Cena was dull. Though at least it didn't follow the Rumble like last year's championship match did. They might have gotten stuck with "Change the Channel" or "Refund" chants going on.
The seems like they mailed it in because they knew with Batista returning and them likely paying a lot of money, they had to have him win. It was a very uninspired Rumble this year. Reigns got the rocket pack, but other than that, that's about it. The Kane portion was overbooked, the surprise entrants were average (I did like the El Torito spots) and they ruined the Shield/Wyatt showdown with Ryback.
I don't see them doing this, but they could very well change plans. Lesnar can claim he should have the #1 contender status and face Orton for the title. That leaves Taker free for Danielson. They could still have Batista in the main event and face Lesnar by having him win the title at Elimination Chamber. Batista/Lesnar wouldn't be a great match, but it would keep Batista in the main event picture (which I am assuming he was promised) and would give Danielson the other main event spot.