Comment #155 by ash356
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 @ 02:03:04 PM
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Can I just say, all these people sarcastically claiming 'ADS ON A PAID FOR SERVICE? LIKE TV SUBSCRIPTIONS? WOW, THAT'S NEWS', are generally just being the Devils advocate, for the sake of, well, being a devils advocate.
Maybe ads would be fine, if MS weren't already making us question as to why we actually pay in the first place. Let's list:
Crap member 'perks', i.e. the ****ty DOTW we've been encountering recently.
Barely any exclusives anymore, in comparison to PS3.
Having Kinect shoved down our throats all the sodding time.
Increased prices on every DAMN thing on the marketplace.
Oh, and servers being taken down after just one year by EA. Which is exactly what Gold is supposed to prevent.
... and the list goes on.
Frankly, if Microsoft actually made us feel like we're still getting something from our Gold, we'd likely all be happy. But we're pretty much just getting ripped off nowadays.