I think people are freaking out about the initial reviews. It's sitting at an 80 for PS3 and a 79 for Xbox on Metacritic. Those are pretty good scores.
Dead Space 3
So... Co-op.
Twigg and I managed to die.
A lot.
On Normal.
Should feel bad about it but when I get shot in half by a shotgun before the end of Chapter 1 without a chance to get out of it, I know it's serious business.
Also, flying around should be easier than it is but... let's just say there's a lot of sharp edges to avoid and they don't all belong on the end of a Necromorph claw.
Still fun and the true way to play due to the sheer amount of enemies that seem to spawn out of the walls/vents/floor/wherever the fuck they feel like.
It think I saw an exploding one crawl out of Twigg's ears once.Comment
So they added more momentum to your zero-g flying compared to DS2. I found that out the hard way when I tried to boost past a stasis'd fan and couldn't stop before I ran into the next fan running at full speed.
I'm at chapter 5 on Impossible, and enemies will eat up your ammo. I've been using the Evangelizer mostly because of the shotgun attachment since that seems to be the most effective against the pain in the ass ice pick/axe necromorphs. So far, the game doesn't seem to be a big departure from DS2 outside of the Unitologist skirmishes in the first chapter.Comment
Yeah, the only place Dizzle and I really had issues was during the part where you are flying through the debris. We must've died 20+ times and it was more than a little annoying. The funny thing is that when I played through that same section solo I got through it on my first try.
As for the rest of the game I'm really enjoying it so far. I love how they have optional missions now and the crafting seems pretty cool. I also love how all of your gear carries over through all your saves and Playthroughs.Comment
I don't think you can get tungsten by doing this either.Comment
I'm glad they brought that back. There's also supposed to be an 8-bit mode that you unlock after beating Hardcore.Comment