The only religious belief I've heard him say into a mic is that he believes in God and is thankful to him. When he's out in front of an abortion clinic or aligned with the Westboro people holding a sign then I think that would be a valid question.
I've also seen him out evangelizing to prison inmates, people in other countires etc.
He's holding a sign up for his cause everytim hh thanks God for a win...which is lulz worthy enough(and that goes for anyone that thanks God for anything like that)
Otherwise you're just muddying the water with a question that has nothing to do with football
I'm not saying it has to be asked at a post game presser.
Sorry, but generally speaking when you put your faith out there as much as he's fair question to be called into play.
which would surely just be artfully dodged by Tebow. Just like every other inflammatory thing the press has tried to throw at him.
Should we start asking every Catholic in the NFL about the raping of altar boys? The changes to the church since Vatican II?
How many Catholic football players can you name? How many put their faith out there as much as Tebow does?
If there was a Catholic standing up there putting out his faith as much as Tebow does, hell yes ask him. Go for it.
Never said you hated him.. Just that you are one of the people who are always complaining about him thanking God and now you want sportswriters to start asking religiously based questions..
Never even said it had to be sportswriters. This would be great 60 mintues stuff.
I don't see how he's getting a pass, what have you heard him say in an interview beyond "I'd like to thank Jesus Christ first of all.."?
If we want to start digging into that quote I have about 1,000,000 acceptance speeches I can show you from people much less genuine about their faith than Tebow which contain the exact same phrase.
And they are all assclowns for doing it and I would bet did it a lot less than Tebow does.
I'm not questioning how "genuine" Tebow is about his faith, what I'm saying is that he is aligned with a pretty intolerant wing of Christianity...even by some evangelical standards. He is constantly putting his faith out there. The fact someone hasn't dug into it more or brought it up with him ever is mind boggling to me, given his choir boy image and how quickly people will go to tear down someone nowadays.