If people don't think Boxing is dying they're kidding themselves. I have nothing against boxing, but it's a lost cause in the next 10-15 years.
The Ultimate Fighter. Unfortunately the middle school/high school/college crowd doesn't normally have 30 dollars to prop down on a PPV and they can't get into the local establishment to watch (The older college kids can, but thats only your last year or so). So when do they see boxing? It's hardly on ESPN, sometimes on showtime. But those aren't name fights, they (really, us) never see the great fights.
The Ultimate Fighter is free (I mean really, who doesn't have cable), it's on weekly and has marathons constantly. If you want to watch UFC, just turn on your TV. It's on a weeknight, so nobody is doing a lot, it's not Friday Night boxing when everybody is at a kegger.
Then, you walk into blockbuster and UFC has it's own wall of fights. It's all over youtube. The greatest knockouts are played constantly on Spike (plus Ultimate Fight Night)...at good times.
All boxing really had going for itself was it's virtual monopoly on video games (and, Movies). With UFC undisputed proving to be a solid title that monopoloy is gone.
Boxing will survive of course, and for the time being it will out-sell MMA. Theres a significant portion of the population that finds the MMA barbaric (Think 40 year olds+) and those people tend to plop down the money on PPV. However, they're getting older and more and more kids are going to grow up on UFC (assuming they keep up this marketing).
Boxing purists will deny it, but within our lifetimes Boxing is going to cease social relevance.