Wait, Goodell is coercing Williams to lie? Is that why there are fucking charts that show monetary amounts, opposing teams and have positions listed? Did he produce those (falsified, apparently) documents as well?
Don't twist this. Several Saints have testified under oath that there was a pay for performance system, not a pay to injure system. That's what in question. From the get go I said I believed there was a bounty system, but I don't believe it was a pay to injure system. There are stark differences between the 2. A pay for performance system can be found in dozens of college football teams, and I wouldn't be surprised if a good portion of the teams in the nfl had some sort of performance system.
A pay for performance system isn't news worthy imo. If teams have a pot for best defensive/offensive player of the game or so on, is that truly bad? Do we not already encourage this kind of behavior? The superbowl mvp gets a brand new car simply for having the best performance in a game.
The big deal here is that Goodell isn't saying Vilma was part of this pay to perform system, but that he was running a pay to injure system. The difference is like being accused of smoking weed vs accused of dealing crack. Both illegal, but the severity and reputation is totally different.
LMAO @ Vilma is innocent cause his lawyer & friends say so.
And I have the same view but opposite. LMAO @ Vilma being guilty because Goodell and his cronies say so. Every report we've gotten has been from a biased side, there has been no unbiased research done.
What's with the double standard? Why is Goodell's words to be trusted and not Vilma's?
Also, even if Williams does feel he needs to concede to Goodell's wishes and make these statements to get back in the league, it doesn't mean what he has to say is untrue.
His statements fall in line with what the rest of the evidence shows.
This is the best one of your hypocrisy. Why does Williams get an excuse for having an ulterior motive (getting back into the league) while Vilmas buddies "just getting Vilma's back".
Why is that whatever Williams said 'doesn't mean what he has to say untrue', while Vilma's 9 affidavits are thrown aside because all of them are apparently lying for Vilma. Why are their affidavits written off as lies and not Williams?