1. Again, where are these 9 affidavits that Vilma claims to have? Vilma hasn't produced them. He claims 9 players will back him up. Where are they? Vilma's claims mean nothing to me until he produces the sworn statements, and even then, I take what these goofball players have to say with a grain of salt because they will back each other to the death.
2. The second sworn affidavit that Goodell has is from Mike Cerullo, a former Saints assistant. Cerullo was not suspended or disciplined in any way, so you can toss that conspiracy theory out the window. He corroborated Williams' statements despite his testimony being taken independently and at a completely different time. If you think i'm making it up, well, I dont care. Google it, ffs.
3. Where is the overwhelming evidence, you ask? Did you not see the 100+ pages of documents that were leaked a month ago? Combined with the sworn statements from the people running the fucking thing, what more do you want? You sound like Knubb now. He's a hopeless homer, what's your excuse? Please use your brain, here.
4. Please don't talk to me about the precedents set by the ruling and what the reversals mean, when in at least two threads you have demonstrated that you have no clue why the reversals occurred. You have shown that you lack much knowledge of the story, and you should probably stop commenting on it until you do some google searches and catch up. You are in over your head and talking out of your ass.
5. Goodell has waited two weeks to act, because he was waiting to meet with the players. He met with Vilma yesterday, and was scheduled to meet with Fujita but that meeting was cancelled because Fujita is having issues with a knee injury. Again, please understand the story and what is happening here before you comment.