Just tellin' it how it is!
& to all the haters, imagine Goodell doin' in your star player for a second, nevermind Vilma or the Saints, just imagine Goodell without any concrete upheld in the court of law style of evidence, that X and Y players are out for the season (or at least 8 weeks), and that's all there is to it.. that'd be like you or me being close to the scene of a crime and having the police arrest you for a "that's him officer", then arresting you, booking you, being put in front of a judge and being told "GUILTY" without a shred of evidence that could hold up.. I don't know about you , but I damn near dreeeeam of something like that happening so I could sue the living tar outta the judicial system, not for the money mind you, but just for the satisfaction of being able to give it back to the man like he though he gave it to me, except of course (via media outlets) for the whole wide world to see someone not just stand up for what they believe in, but the truth.. Let me tell you, the NFL is a bounty, players get paid VERY WELL to go out and cause injuries to other players, that's the name of the game, pay for pain, doubt me ?? turn on the TV this Sunday.. I applaud Vilma, and not just as a Saints fan, but as a human being envying the position he took to stand for what he believed in, and ultimately, what it comes down to, what it's all about .. "show me the evidence"
To quote the movie the Untouchables with Robert Deniro as Al Capone, "you got nothing, you don't have the bookeeper, you don't have the ledger, you got naaaaathing, and if you were the man you think you are you woulda' done something by now, you punk".. LoL!!.. I love that line.. But what's Goodell got ?? naaaahthing!