2011 Poster Of The Year
What kind of conclusion to his career would make you change your mind on Eli's status as a HOFer?
I get the argument that because he was never among the best 4 or 5 QBs in any single season THUS FAR in his career gives you pause. It's the old eye test, with HOFers you should be able to hear the name and instantly say whether they are that kind of player.
Is there even a specific line to cross in that regard?
Just curious, among the QBs of this generation (lets say 21st century). We know surefire HOFers are Favre, Brady and Peyton. Drew Brees is right there because of the stats, too IMO. McNabb?
Is it fair to say guys like Rodgers, Big Ben and Eli, it's just too soon to say they're HOFers?
I think he's close.
I don't think his statistics are HOF worthy, especially for his era. His Super Bowl performances have been good, but not great or legendary.
The best argument for Eli is all of the tough road postseason wins. But even that is watered down these days, with other QB's doing this all the time (Rodgers last year, Big Ben frequently) lately. It used to be a real accomplishment winning on the road in the playoffs, now it's ho hum.