I understand that full digital invites indie game makers to the scene. We're already seeing this in PS3/360 era. That's fine for interesting new concepts in gaming. And those games are usually cheaper too. It's great.
There are some games that are going to be dominated by the big guys. We're all sports gamers here, right? EA is a juggernaut in this arena. Small guys can't get in this market because of licensing. They are going to continue to bone us in ways we haven't even thought of yet.
Or any other A rated franchise really. The prices aren't going down on the next all digital Halo, the next GTA, the next Mass Effect. We're still going to get bitch slapped by those publishers. Used games push down the price of those games faster because people like me beat them and sell them. As soon as I finish ME3 here, that shit is going up for sale on Gamestaq/eBay to recoup most of my cost. On the other side, someone buys the game cheaper than $60, which is what it retails for brand new.
Here's an example of that: I bought LA Noire for $40 used about two weeks after it was released. Played it for about a month or two before I beat it. Then I sold it used for about $35. All together I spent about $5 on my LA Noire. I am who the game companies hate. There's no way I could have done that under an all digital market place.
I do this with almost all of my games and so do a lot of other people.