Wow just go read our thread, krebs played when, Me and 2 others that dont "vsn" that much played so i don't know about him just he runs his mouth. So tell me the story Krebs about you being on the Inferno while I wasn't around...
Dropping the line that your D1 means nothing, say it all you want we have shut out "D1" teams.
Being D1 a few weeks after the game came out?? Wow what an accomplishment beating teams that don't know what there doing just as the game came out... how about months into the game where you D1 then?
Listen "Magnums" it will be a good series, I have never heard of you guys or even seen your team name on the leader boards so I'm taking all you say about how good your squad is with a grain of salt, keep shit talking if you want or if you think that's going to intimidate us an get us off our game when we play you or if that keeps you excited about the 7 game series then go ahead more power to you, I know it will be good, fun, and I can't wait.