I have to agree on board play, it is a very good feature added to this game and for those that don't think they will use it, I guarentee you will. It will be a good thing to use against those plays where you are just behind a defender going to get the puck on a dump and where they normally get it, hammer the pass button and you're fucked, you can actually get him on the boards before he gets to the puck. So the dump and chase game will be really good this year.
AI is a HUGE improvement as I found you actually have to do that stupid thing called "PLAYING HOCKEY" and you can't just walk in where you want. You have to think about where you are passing, and where they are going to be on both offence and defence. I was just playing on default and it was a nice challenge so I can't wait to try on harder settings and then use the sliders. This will make offline mode playable for months I think.
I was drafted on my first try by the Oilers 9th overall. I really like this type of drafting as it got boring just making the team without any issues. It will make my BAP franchise thing a lot better to look at. I hope they actually look into trading and will make contract signing period a lot better as well.
Passing is no longer tape to tape which is really nice. You are not just always feeding guys the puck on a straight line and guys will fuck up on passes. I tried the hardcore mode, and honestly, I thought I would be a fan, but after one try I'm not at the moment. It isn't fluent enough for just passing as to make the hard passes you have to hold the button for a second which can make the difference between passing or getting hit. It might get easier in time, so I am not going to bash it. It is hard on my TV because I don't see all the ice in a 1v1 type game, so I may have to make the camera higher then normal if I want to use that feature.
Goalies I found were really good. In all the games I played, I scored once and got an assist, but I wasn't trying for any glitches or amazing goals just trying to get a feel for things. The goalie animations I didn't find to crazy yet, so maybe over time it will get worse.
The point shot I couldn't get going, but I am sure with some more time I will use it. Rebounds are fairly good and I didn't see any junk goals or tips from that yet, but again, I have played maybe 3-4 games of it total.