My goal in sharing this is to:
1. Help survivors gain more control and fulfillment in their lives
2. Stop the abuse cycle.
3. Expose Joe Paterno for his true colors.
4. Foster good (honest, selfless, self critical) behaviors vs. evil (selfish, lying, narcissistic) behaviors.
Joe Paterno knew and knows everything about what's happening in his program and in State College. He was / is the ultimate control freak. If Jerry committed these crimes it is impossible for me to think Joe was not aware and complicit.
As a Penn State assistant under Rip Engle, Joe's nickname amongst players was Joe the rat. He tattled on players' misconduct to the head coach. Joe went to Rip instead of addressing the player face to face. He always used power and leverage to exert authority instead of true leadership and influence. Joe was Rip's protected favorite, like a mama's boy. I imagine he felt he could do anything to others and get away with it.
Thus, decades later, when a powerless boy needed a man of real character and integrity to protect him, Joe showed his true colors. He protected himself and let the little boy disappear. Author M. Scott Peck, in his book; "People of the Lie", characterizes evil people as selfish, lying, and narcissistic. It appears Joe's old nickname still holds. Except now, I think it should be Evil Rat.