First off, thanks Lan! This is one of my favorite games, and there's no other way to play a dynasty that with the real names.
Secondly, does anyone know how this download will interact with the patch that I am hearing so much about from EA?
Is the patch actually just to fix all the roster errors that they made upon release and Lan is taking care of that with his edits???
I play my dynasty with Indiana. When released they had a #15 Sr. receiver, who was actually last year's QB Kellan Lewis. He was the 4th or th best WR, but if I moved him to QB he was a STAR. I downloaded Lan's roster again today, and #15 is now a Fr. receiver like he should be, but he still has QB stats.
If I understand everything correctly in order for rosters to be 100% accurate, Lan would have to wait for the EA patch that corrects all original errors and stats, and then edit the names. There will be no way to transpose the EA patch with Lan's edits?
Just really looking for whether or not I am understanding things. If so, I would much rather have all the names today and start my dynasty with everything almost right than wait for the patch and then Lan to get started.