Are these rosters just a straight naming of players or will ratings be changed? I know this has probably been asked a million times and I feel lame for having this be my first post but hey, at least I did sign up instead of just circling around like a vulture waiting for the rosters.
Also, thanks to Lanteri87 for doing these rosters and sharing them. I tried naming my own rosters back on the PS2 and it is a bitch. Ended up buying an AR Max for the sole purpose of getting rosters for NCAA sports games because there was no way I would ever finish naming all the teams in a game. I'm glad there are people like you willing to put in all this time and effort and share the rosters though. The game just isn't the same without the names. I got the game on launch day and I have not even put it in my 360 yet because I am waiting on some quality named rosters.