Easily...i think.
My love for playing games came from the NES days.
Double Dragon 2, Marble Madness, Contra, TMNT (first one), Megaman, Battletoads....arguably some of the hardest video games ever.
Games have gotten soft over the years to expand the market, which to my dismay has waned my interest.
I love the technological advancements of what today's games bring, but so very few harken to a real challenge like they used to be. These games bring today's technology with the challenges of yesterday.
I play games like Uncharted or Killzone or Gears of War (strictly speaking offline, I'm not big on FPS online games). They feel like a chore to me because it's just a matter of completing the next objective as opposed to overcoming a challenge. When you crank the difficulty in these games they just become more about luck than anything since the enemies just become mega juiced. I gotta shoot some asshole with 100 bullets, but he'll kill me with one. That's just stupid and frustrating. It's a total cop out for providing a challenge to the player.
Dark/Demon Souls nails the challenge perfectly, just like they used to be. If you learn from your mistakes, if you play smart and understand your challenges, you can overcome them all with solely your own skill.
Watch some of the gameplay, you get hacked by an enemy's sword and you're probably dead....but if you hit him with your sword he's probably dead. I love the thrill of living on the edge of death at all times but knowing that I don't have to sit there for 10 minutes hacking away at some massive life bar either.
Does that make sense?