After reading the grand jury report, Paterno is pretty low on my list of people I would hold accountable.
I still want to hear him speak on his relationship with Sandusky, what he said to who and when he said it, and I want to hear HIM answer to why Sandusky was still (allegedly) hanging around.
The police knew anbout Sandusky twice and did not follow up. One of those times, they recorded a phone conversation where Sandusky confessed to a parent. The DA knew about Sandusky and failed to folllow up on the charges at least once. Child Protective Services in that county knew about Sandusky and failed to follow up. McQueary WITNESSED THE FUCKING RAPE and failed to inform the police. A janitor WITNESSES A FUCKING RAPE and failed to inform the police. The Penn St brass covered everything up.
I'm not naive, I know how society works, and why Paterno is the lightning rod here, so the vultures are swarming, but for fucks sake, can we swing some attention to the real cretins here?