As far as 2002, he reported an incident that really was all hearsay. Again, I have no problem with this either. I wouldnt have called the police myself,
You know what man? I have a problem with this. I get that you don't ever come off of your points. I've been around the MM community since 2004, and we've mixed it up in the chatbox once or twice. I am not a stranger to your posts, even if most people are a stranger to mine. It wasnt until the pond got alot smaller that I bothered to post more. You cannot be argued with, you won't ever say something like "you know what? you're right. I was wrong. I appreciate the conversation." You are just going to keep arguing because that's who you are. I get that.
But I have a serious problem with the bolded section. this is sexual abuse. the GA came to Paterno and said he saw a kid being assraped (unless he was lying to the grand jury, which i guess is a posibility, but that would basically say that everyone else who said a word to the grand jury was lying too, which I seriously doubt). That is a huge problem. This isn't about relationships, or what we know, or what we don't know. If you want to play Devil's Advocate, then come right out and say it.
If you, or anyone else reading this thread, has even the slighest idea that sexual abuse is taking place against anyone, call the fucking cops. Get off this forum, and grab your phone, and call the police, right now.
It shouldn't have been about what the AD, GA, DA, FA, SA, WhateverthefuckelseA did with it, Paterno should have called the cops. black and white. No more information necessary.
So if you are arguing to argue, then come right out and say it, but sexual abuse is the worst fucking thing in the world, sticking your cock up a little boy or girls ass destroys them for the rest of their lives, and this didn't come from some random ass dude off the street, this came from a kid who was JoePa's quarterback and trusted enough to become an assistant after his playing days were done.
You crossed the point of being ludicrous several pages ago, and my own sense of moral compass and decency wants to beleive that you are just arguing on a forum. but to say that you wouldnt report potential sexual abuse to a police officer is beyond comprehension. There is
NO ARGUMENT that JoePa had multiple reports of sexual abuse and didn't take it seriously enough. regardless of everything you are holding judgment for, that doesn't change this.
let's break it down even further.
Denying the antecedent
Denying the antecedent: draws a conclusion from premises that do not support that conclusion.
Argument: If it is raining outside, it must be cloudy. It is not raining outside. Therefore, it is not cloudy.
Problem: There does not have to be rain in order for there to be clouds.
Your terms, from this theead:
Argument: If Paterno's relationship with Sandusky was cold, it was OK for him not to call the cops. Paterno's relationship with Sandusky was cold, therefore, it's ok he didn't report sexual abuse of a child to the police.
Problem: Paterno's relationship with Sandusky has nothing to do with him calling the police to report a potential sexual assault.
Bottom line: