1998 - Sandusky admitted to "inappropriate contact in the shower room" with a boy to Penn State campus police.
2000 - PSU campus janitor witnesses Sandusky performing oral sex on a boy. Another janitor sees Sandusky leaving room and building holding hands with the boy. Although they tell their supervisor, no one tells senior school officials or the police.
2002 - The graduate assistant witnesses Sandusky raping a boy in the shower. He informs Joe Paterno who informs PSU AD Tim Curley and VP of Business/Finance and University Police head Gary Schultz. University president Graham Spanier was briefed by Curley. No one contacts law enforcement officials. Curley tells Sandusky not to bring children onto campus.
2007 - Sandusky is seen at a PSU football practice with a 12 or 13 year old boy.
2011 - Sandusky was still allowed on campus as late as November 5.
All stuff taken from
Prosecutors believe PSU could have stopped the abuse in 1998, when a victim's mother notified campus police of improper conduct by Sandusky. Campus police were privy to a phone call between the mother and Sandusky in which he admitted to showering with the boy, refused to not do it again and said, "I was wrong. I wish I could get forgiveness. I know I won't get it from you. I wish I were dead."
In addition to campus police, child protective services was involved but "did not find enough evidence of sexual assault to determine that the charge was founded." More the DA Ray Gricar decided not to pursue criminal charges.
Despite everything, Sandusky was allowed to remain part of the PSU community with free access to the grounds. They even promoted his football camp to be held on their campuses for children.
When asked if Paterno or McQueary would have violated Pennsylvania's statute requiring anyone who comes in contact with children in the course of their employment to report evidence of abuse to "appropriate authorities," Kelly said: "That's an interesting question. It might have to be addressed down the line."
Holy fuck what a complete let down every one of these people are. So many people were in a position to stop it (some actually witnessed the crimes) and turned a blind eye to it. Whether it was fear of losing jobs, fear of staining the community, the school or just plain ignorance, it's insane.