I didnt jump in this thread until the last few pages.
I dont remember claiming that players dont have the ability to injure someone. My point has been that its difficult to intentionally injure someone within the rules. This has been corraborated by former NFL players.
You didnt say "cut blocking", you said BLINDSIDE cut blocking, which i believe is illegal.
I thought you werent gonna use that card? And yes i have played football, and many other former players agree with me, including former NFL players.
When did i claim otherwise? What does that even have to do with my point?
So much wrong with this post its hard to put it down in a logical manner. I'll try...in chronological order:
1) I don't remember claiming that you said players don't have the ability to injure someone. Can't add much more, because I don't know WTF you are talking about. I gave two examples, and I gave my reasons for doing so.
2) Its legal to cut-block from behind/clip at the LOS in the interior line. Its been legal since the beginning of football. I guess its a "now you know" for you.
3) You keep claiming that former players "corroborate" that its "difficult" to intentionally injure someone within the rules. HUH? How is that possible? What are they "corroborating"? How can one former NFL player judge another former NFL player's intent? Its like saying "no white people commit crimes", and I've corroborated this by speaking to many white people. Its beyond retarded. Are you trying to say that players only get injured on illegal hits? If not, then how are you judging intent? If you ask me "well, how are YOU judging intent?", my response would be that players get injured all the time on 'legal' hits that are highly questionable. Remember Warren Sapp dislocating Chad Clifton's hip?
Anyways, as usual, all logic and all evidence proves you wrong. Players get injured on legal hits. Through the years, the NFL has legislated against hits that are delivered with intent to injure. Night Train Lane's clothesline, Deacon Jones' headslap, Kimo von Oelhoffen diving into Carson Palmer's knee, Roy Williams' horse collar, etc.
Also, if players can't intentionally injure on legal hits, then how do we have 'dirty' players? Andre Waters was known to always blow out knees. Legal, yes. Dirty, yes. Conrad Dobler was the master of the blindside chop block. Legal, yes. Dirty, yes. Did James Harrison all of the sudden become a dirty player because his head shots were deemed "illegal"? Does that make his previous legal headshots 'clean'?
The leaps of logic that you have taken are astounding. Its almost as if you aren't using any logic at all.