2011 Poster Of The Year
No, but how about stop PMSing and going emotionally overboard, and at least acknowledge the practical side and practical solutions.
All you had to do in the Braun thread was say, this is why I think he's guilty, but I understand why you would want to wait to see if MLB gets the Arbitrators ruling reversed. I think it's fine that you want to be more cautious and want the process to play out. And I respect that you want safeguards in place to minimize the chance of convicting an innocent person. Here is why I think Braun will end up being found guilty.
Instead, you completely ignored the sensibleness of it, and instead PMS'd like a little teenage girl, accusing me of saying things I didn't say (which I'm still waiting for my apology, like I apologized for misrepresenting you), or calling me names.
Stop being such a girl. And I don't mean that in the "you have to be meat-head macho" kind of way. I mean that in the, stop being so over the top emotional and be more practical. Men want to be practical and solve issues, women just want to PMS over them. Which one are you?
The fact that you think clean hitting negates a bounty is so fundametally stupid, that much like the Braun thread were you clearly were lost and without a clients, I just cant do this anymore. I like a good argument, but you see things from the worst angles and engaging you is pointless.
The NFL is going to be incredibly harsh on this, and rightfully so. Because its deplorable. Sad that people are downplaying it, but the tough guy fan culture of the NFL fans is strong.