#50? WTF?
So do you have an issue with putting out mafia style injury hits on players, or not?
I mean, ffs, forget the god damn rule book and answer that question. What is with you? Between this and the Braun thread, I question your ability to formulate any sort of critical thought or use of common sense.
I had plenty of common sense in the Braun thread. Arbitrator rules that protocol wasn't adhered to. If that's true then the evidence can't be used, until someone legally shows that policy was adhered to and that the arbitrator was initially wrong in his ruling. Sorry, this is common sense.
As far as coaches paying players to injury other players. I'm against it, but I don't think it's nearly as big a deal as you do. Unethical, I think so. But really, if the hits are clean/legal hits, the outcome is the same as if there were no bounty. Any illegal hits should be handled by the officials and the NFL. And I don't mind harsher punishment for illegal hits. More than fines, do suspensions. I'm just not going over the top ape shit like you are over the bounty stuff. I'm more concerned about the hits being legal, and if there are "diry legal" hits, change the rules to make them illegal.