I think the point is that football is a violent game. I know people who played just to hit people. Some of the greatest defenders in the game are crazy MFers.
Key word being violent. It is not a contact sport, it's a collision sport.
How often in the locker room would you hear a guy say "I'm gonna knock this guy out" or "I can't wait to hit so-and-so". Well, these guys aren't in high school anymore and they have money to play with, so it turns into a wager.
Is it wrong? I'll be honest with you, if I still played, it'd be a fun little bet. If that makes me crazy, so be it. You have to be crazy to play football. You have to. There's nothing normal about running full speed into a guy that's running full speed at you.
Not speaking to W2B personally, but I think as a whole we are seriously undermining how violent the game is. These are not normal people. These aren't guys who have clean jump shots or a smooth swing. The object of the game is to stop another HUMAN BEING through physical force from taking a ball across your goal-line. No other sport even compares to the amount of violence, or has violence as a main objective of achieving your goal (except fighting).
I'm not saying the NFL should allow it, but again, for more than half the players in the league, the thrill of the game is getting to hit people. It's not juking, not throwing a good ball, it's knocking a guy the fuck out. That is the nature of the sport. Whether the NFL wants that image, it does not matter. Players who play are violent, aggressive dudes. They want to impose their will. I don't think that will ever change, no matter what they try to do to stop it. And quite frankly, I hope it doesn't.